Get Involved
Get involved with our awesome musical team!

Cast make up those singers and actors on stage that we all love to hear! Cast typically consists of anywhere from 20 to 40 members, and rehearsals take place on Sundays in the early afternoon. Leads (and other interested cast members) may also receive vocal training and instructions from our fantastic vocal director(s) in additional rehearsals.
The cast is open to anyone regardless of experience, and everyone is encouraged to audition regardless of the amount of time they feel able to commit to. Auditions take place in early September, so keep an eye on our website and Facebook page!

The Carleton Engineering Musical's band features a full orchestra including brass, woodwinds, strings, rhythm, and percussion. Rehearsals typically take place on weekends from early October to early March, lasting a few hours each. The music is arranged by the band directors of that year to match the instrumentation of the band.
To get involved, stay tuned for auditions in late September posted on our website and Facebook page. Any and all instruments (be it a harp, piccolo, or theremin) are encouraged to audition!
The musical would be severely lacking without our very own dance troupe! Our dance team rehearses on Sundays and works with cast members to add energetic dances to the performance and the occasional TikTok dance to everyone's social media feed.
Auditions will take place in September, and individuals of all skill and experience levels are encouraged to audition. Keep an eye on our Facebook and website for audition details!
While the actors, dancers, and musicians perform, the stage crew are the people that keep everything organized and running smoothly. The stage crew makes sure all sets, props, costumes, and humans are in the right place at the right time to make the performance happen.
Applications are accepted in the late Winter of the performance year (no experience required), so stay tuned to our Facebook and website for details.